Body Count Meaning, Examples & More

The slang term "body count" is used among young people to refer to the number of romantic or sexual partners someone has had. It's a way for them to discuss and sometimes boast about their experiences in relationships or dating. For instance, they might casually say, "She's got a high body count," to imply that someone has been involved with many partners.

Understanding this slang can help parents navigate conversations about relationships and personal boundaries with their children. While the term itself may be used casually among peers, it's important for parents to approach discussions about intimacy and respect in relationships seriously. This includes emphasizing the importance of healthy and respectful behavior in both offline and online interactions.

What Does "Body Count" Mean?

"Body count" refers to the number of romantic or sexual partners a person has had. It's often used informally to discuss someone's dating history or experiences.

Tips for Discussing Slang with Your Kids

If you need to talk with your child about slang terms like "body count" and promote healthy attitudes towards relationships, here are some conversation starters:

  1. Initiate Open Conversations:

    • "Have you heard the term 'body count' being used among your friends? What do you understand about it?"
    • This opens up a dialogue where you can clarify meanings and provide guidance.
  2. Discuss Respect and Boundaries:

    • "When it comes to dating or relationships, what do you think is important for both people to consider?"
    • Encourage your child to think critically about respect, consent, and personal boundaries.
  3. Share Your Values:

    • "In our family, we believe in treating others with respect and valuing meaningful connections. How do you think that applies to how we talk about relationships?"
    • Share your family values and discuss how they translate into respectful behavior in all types of relationships.
  4. Stay Informed Together:

    • "Let's explore together what healthy relationships look like. What are some qualities you think are important?"
    • Use this opportunity to educate each other about what constitutes healthy relationships and mutual respect.

Promoting Healthy Relationship Discussions

These strategies can help make discussions about slang terms like "body count" more meaningful and educational. They also support positive communication and understanding between parents and children, ensuring that conversations about relationships and personal boundaries remain constructive and respectful. You can also learn more about other teen slang, like FML meaning, on the myFirst blog.


SPCC: Kids Slang Parents Should Know

Slang and Gangs Body Count Teen Slang

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